Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lip Love

While the eyes are the mirror to the soul, it is the lips that help two souls make a connection. Soft, kissable lips help set the mood for romance. It is thus important that we take proper care of the lips. Here are a few tips how:

1. Hydrate. Lips dry out faster than the skin in our face and body. Drink lots of water to keep it hydrated.

2. Exfoliate. Gently scrub your lips with a soft toothbrush once a week to take out the dead skin cells on your lips.

3. Moisturize and protect. Apply lip balm as needed to seal moisture in your lips. Choose one with sun protection to combat the harsh effects of sun exposure.


Laarnaay on August 27, 2008 at 6:06 AM said...

... and smile. :D

SortaFlowering Designs on November 29, 2008 at 7:47 AM said...

:) This is off topic But I stopped by to let you know that I added your Blog to my Entrecard drop list. It is comprised entirely of artists, designers, hobbyists, and crafters.

I love your blog and added it to the fashion section- hope you don't mind that I added it to the line-up!

If you would like to use the list in your daily campaign feel free to add the banner to your page for a quick link to the list.

Thanks and Happy Blogging :)

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